The following are some of the questions we receive on a regular basis. Is there a question you have and you don't see it posted? Contact us and we will get in touch within 48 hours.
How do I reserve a martial arts class in rhinofit?
Please reserve your spot 24 hours in advance.
Additional questions about reserving a martial arts class? Email [email protected].
- Log in to your RhinoFit app.
- Click on the sidebar menu on the top right corner of your screen.
- Select calendar.
- Make sure the calendar view is in daily view.
- Search and select desired class.
- If you do not have a membership select ‘Purchase Class without Membership’.
- Enter credit card information (this will not be used if the class is free).
Additional questions about reserving a martial arts class? Email [email protected].
How do I activate my coach's code in trainheroic?
Your coach will send you an email invite, which will include an Access Code to connect with them through the TrainHeroic mobile app.
If you've already created a TrainHeroic account, use the link below to connect with your coach in-app: If you haven't received your invite, please check your spam folder, or get in touch with your coach.
If you've already created a TrainHeroic account, use the link below to connect with your coach in-app: If you haven't received your invite, please check your spam folder, or get in touch with your coach.
I just made a physical therapy appointment through rhinofit & I need to cancel. What should I do?
The RhinoFit Software does not allow third parties to cancel appointments because it could directly affect your payment profile. To cancel your appointment simply re-book to a time works for you and email [email protected] which slot you would like us to cancel on the calendar.
How do I update my rhinofit payment profile on my phone?
This process should be the same for both Android and Apple products.
- Select your name on the upper left corner of your screen.
- Go to ‘My Profile’ located at the top of dropdown menu.
- Scroll down and select ‘Payment Profile Management’.
- There will be a drop down menu with two headers, go to ‘Payment Profiles’.
- Under Payment Profile select ‘Create a new Payment Profile’.
- Enter in your new card information and save.
How do I book my Class if I’m a barbell small group or open gym member on rhinofit?
This process should be the same for both Android and Apple products.
Additional questions about reserving a martial arts class? Email [email protected].
- Please reserve your spot 12 hours in advance.
- Log in to your RhinoFit app.
- Click on the sidebar menu on the top right corner of your screen.
- Select calendar.
- Make sure the calendar view is in daily view.
- Search and select desired class or search for your coach by clicking on 'Filter'.
- Reserve your class by filling in your name and pressing 'Done'. You may unreserve at any time.
Additional questions about reserving a martial arts class? Email [email protected].
How do I log my w.o.d. in rhinofit?
These steps can be applied to both Android and iPhone devices.
- Log into your RhinoFit profile.
- Go to tracking.
- Class will appear: click on class link.
- Link will lead you to your workout.
- Log your workout results (time, reps, etc).
- Press complete.
What is included in the 2 Week free martial art trial?
If you didn't know, now you do! Everyone gets to test run our martial art program for two weeks before deciding if it's a good fit. Each free trial comes with two weeks access to our open gym, all martial art classes, and we provide the uniform. If you decide to join you get a new uniform included with your membership.
What is the sensory room & who can use it?
Great question! Our sensory room is a new addition to our facility which allows one member at a time to reserve the space. We have a variety of members who are neurodiverse and we provide an opportunity for folks to train in a space with soft lighting, privacy curtains, stim toys, and a quiet place to sit. Open gym members may reserve the room online, and small group members sign up on the clipboard located outside the room. Two times a week the room is used during small group times for our kids. Those times are listed on the clipboard outside the room.
Why was i charged an annual maintenance fee?
The Annual Maintenance Fee is a once a year charge of $25 which helps us contract two local businesses that help us clean the gym and keep up to date on laundry. This fee is applied to single memberships, family memberships, and virtual memberships. The only time an annual maintenance fee is not applied is with Punch Cards, Scholarships, and 2 week free trials.
Do you do weight loss challenges or bootcamps?
FitPOWER does not partake in boot camps, before and after picture transformations, or weight loss camps. We have historically run similar programs and we found it harmful to our members. As far as classes, FitPOWER is a strength gym. We help guide people on their journey with strength through bodyweight movement, strength implements including barbells, kettlebells, dumbbells, bands, plyometrics, and more. If you are looking for a more circuit style type of workout with a bootcamp feel we have a few gyms we highly recommend.
How do i cancel my membership?
We keep cancelling very simple. You can do it one of three ways:
1. Certified Mail through USPS.
2. Email.
3. In person.
Email tends to be the simplest form, and it allows us proof that you want to cancel your membership as well as a date and a time stamp. In person is the next easiest way, and we put on your cancel request "done in person". We do not take cancellations over the phone, via text, or any other messaging service.
1. Certified Mail through USPS.
2. Email.
3. In person.
Email tends to be the simplest form, and it allows us proof that you want to cancel your membership as well as a date and a time stamp. In person is the next easiest way, and we put on your cancel request "done in person". We do not take cancellations over the phone, via text, or any other messaging service.
What is the Financial hardship membership?
Over the last 7 years FitPOWER has built a safety-net into it's memberships for it's members. Every small group and martial art member has a 3 month financial hardship which you can activate it if you find you may be unable to pay. The reason can be anything, and we don't require you to tell us why. In this world things happen, and sometimes keeping your gym membership active when other things feel chaotic is enough of a relief to get you over a hurdle. You still train and our coaches still get paid.
You can activate one month, two months, or all three months at once. It's up to you. Write Christine at [email protected] and in the subject line write '3 Month Financial Hardship', tell us how many months you'd like to apply it for, and it will appear on your next billing cycle ($0). Easy peasy!
You can activate one month, two months, or all three months at once. It's up to you. Write Christine at [email protected] and in the subject line write '3 Month Financial Hardship', tell us how many months you'd like to apply it for, and it will appear on your next billing cycle ($0). Easy peasy!